Thursday, September 10, 2009
The Thrill of a Great Find
I am on a deal high today. I knew that I needed some new diapers for my daughter, but I have been putting it off until it was absolutely necessary. I had the funds for the diapers, but I wanted to make sure I got a good deal. I hadn't seen any great deals advertised, but I had a few coupons and decided to go and check out target. Target is good because I can always get a box of the target diapers for about$13 and sometimes they have sales on Huggies. Today was a diapering gold mine for us. The huggies were slightly cheaper than at Publix ($1) and if I bought 2 boxes I could get a five dollar gift card back. I checked my coupons and I had $1.50 off one package and $5 off of a pack of diapers and a pack of wipes. Yay! Is it ridiculous that I am so excited about this feat??