Simple Mom is hosting project simplify this month to help get our spring clean on and this weeks project is wardrobe. I'll admit I was a little disappointed that this was the task this week, becuase I felt like I already had a handle on mine, but I am one to stick to a plan. Yesterday I dumped all my clean laundry, my dresser drawers, and my one little stack of shorts from by my bed all in a pile and got started. I totally forgot to take pictures. I was completely set on getting the job done, and just got sidetracked.
I found out that I had more in there than I thought I did I was able to get rid of a box full of clothing that was outdated, too small, or just old. Miracle of miracles, my dresser is the right size again! I have plenty of room in there for everything that I wear. That stack of shorts by my bed made a move back into the dresser. Yay for spring cleaning! I'll put my after pictures up later, for now, you should go get started on your project. It feels great!
While Technically this is not a BEFORE Pic - It is all the stuff I cleaned out of my drawers and closet :) |
After |
My side of the closet - After - I did remove that random hanger after the pic :) |
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