Our breakfasts this week will be finishing off our last batch of carrot bread, raisin bran, cheerios and oatmeal.
For lunches I just serve leftovers or "snacky lunches" (fruit or veggies and spread or cheese) for myself and my toddler and my husband is on his own at work.
And here is the dinner plan -
Sunday we had spaghetti. It's a quick and easy meal, and you can spread it to fit any number of people, so when my brother in law and sister in law stopped by it was easy to add more spaghetti to the pot and they even brought some garlic bread.
Monday - Penne Rustica - This is one of my all time favorites, and I found one in my freezer from november, so it looked like a good time to use it. :) We served it with green beans and garlic bread.
Tuesday - Sloppy Joes - I'll make a big batch for dinner tonight and freeze the left overs for later. I bought hamburger buns yesterday, but my toddler and I needed a project this morning, so I made rolls in the breadmachine also. (Ok, my recipe was slightly different but same idea, I did use half unbleached flour and half whole wheat flour)
Wednesday - Church night
Thursday - Chicken Pot Pie - Leftover chicken and cream of chicken soup, all the extra veggies I can find stick it in the oven until bubbling and then just top with grands a cook another 20 minutes or so.
Friday - Family Night
Saturday - I had planned on trying a new recipe this weekend, but the budget didn't allow, so Osso Busco Beef is going to have to wait. We will either have chicken jambalaya or tacos.
I also plan on doing a few kitchen extras this week.
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