Wednesday, March 17, 2010

"School Days"

Before I became a mom I was a teacher. I taught in both public and private schools at different points in my life and taught from 6th grade all the way up to 12th grade. When my daughter was born I loved being at home with her and enjoying my time with her, but I did miss the interaction with small groups of kids. I talked to a few women at my church who homeschooled and asked if they would be interested in a program that got together once a month and did some "learning activities." I got a resounding yes that day, and now two years later I am loving every minute of our monthly ADVENTURES. Today we decided that we were going to do a few messy science experiments. The kids loved it and if you have a few minutes you may want to try these with your kids. I did the outrageous ooze with my toddler (I did all the mixing, I just let her play with it) and she loved it. Both experiments had the kids howling with laughter and I think they learned a lot to day. The other experiment was called the lava lite, enjoy!!!

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